Our Team
Principal Investigator

Prof Andrew Marshall
Tropical Forests and People Research Centre,
University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Phone: +61 7 5456 5281, Email: amarsha1@usc.edu.au

Dr Marion Pfeifer
School of Natural and Environmental Sciences,
Newcastle University, United Kingdom. Phone: +44 191 20 85626, Email: Marion.Pfeifer@newcastle.ac.uk

Dr Deo Shirima
National Carbon Monitoring Centre,
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania.
Email: dshirima@sua.ac.tz

Dr Natalia Norden
Humboldt Institute, Colombia.
Email: nnorden@humboldt.org.co

Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences, Vietnam
Email: thuy.t.nguyen.um@gmail.com

Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences, Vietnam
Email: tranlamdong@gmail.com
Research Fellow

Dr Catherine Waite
Tropical Forests and People Research Centre,
University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Email: cwaite@usc.edu.au
Current research students

Alain Senghor K. Ngute
School of Science and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Email: alain.ngute@research.usc.edu.au
Title of PhD: ‘Investigating the relationship between liana abundance and tropical forest recovery’.

Emma MacKintosh
School of Science and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Email: emma.mackintosh@research.usc.edu.au
Title of PhD: ‘Investigating the relationship between liana abundance and Australian rainforest recovery’.

Charlotte Raven
School of Science and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Email: charlotte.raven@research.usc.edu.au
Title of PhD: ‘The influence of disturbance and liana proliferation on invertebrate indicators of rainforest function’.

Sarah Letters
School of Science and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. Email: sal036@student.usc.edu.au
Title of Honours: ‘The influence of elevation and disturbance on invertebrate pollinator communities in tropical rainforests’.

Abigail Wills (Completed)
Department of Environment and Geography, University of York, UK. Email: arw559@york.ac.uk
Title of MRes: ‘Estimating tropical forest landscape restoration potential using vegetation plots and remote-sensing’.
Project lead partners: the University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia); University of York (UK); Newcastle University (UK); Reforest Africa (Tanzania); Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania); Humboldt Institute (Colombia) and Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (Vietnam)
Additional partners: University of Leeds (UK); Missouri Botanical Garden (USA); Natural History Museum of Denmark [Prof Henrik Enghoff] (University of Copenhagen); African Wildlife Foundation; IUCN Sustain
- Dr Alvaro Cortés-Molino (University of Málaga, Spain)
- Dr Antje Ahrends (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK)
- C4 Community for Coastal and Cassowary Conservation (Australia)
- Cassowary Coast Regional Council (Australia)
- Prof David Schoeman (University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia)
- Dr Deo Shirima (Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania)
- Dr Grahame Applegate (University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia)
- Hamidu Seki Mkwawa (University College of Education, Tanzania)
- Herman Lyatuu (Tanzania Forests Conservation Group, Tanzania)
- Dr Jingjing Liang (Purdue University, USA)
- Prof John Herbohn (University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia)
- Prof Oliver Philips (University of Leeds, UK)
- Peter Davies (University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia)
- Dr Phil Platts (University of York, UK)
- Queensland Parks and Wildlife (Australia)
- Rainforest Trust
- Reforest Africa
- Prof Rob Marchant (University of York, UK)
- Prof Robin Chazdon (University of Connecticut, USA; University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia)
- Dr Robin Loveridge (University of York, UK)
- Roy Gereau (Missouri Botanical Garden, USA)
- Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
- Tanzania Forest Service Agency
- Tanzania National Parks Authority
- Tanzania Tree Seed Agency
- Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute
- Wet Tropics Management Authority (Australia)
- Prof Yadvinder Malhi (University of Oxford, UK)
Main funders: Australian Research Council (ARC), University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia)
Additional funders: UK Research Councils, Flamingo Land Ltd., African Wildlife Foundation, IUCN Sustain, United Bank of Carbon